This week has seen a number of developments… let’s take them in the order they occurred.
Monday was a bit of a scary day. Lisa had a 9 am non-stress test (NST) scheduled, and they are supposed to take about 20 minutes. I figured I would wait out in the lobby until she was done.
9:30 came and went.
10:00 came and went.
10:30 came and went.
At this point, I asked the receptionist if she knew what was happening with Lisa. After a few minutes she told me that Lisa was almost done and the nurse would call me back there soon. “Call me back?” I wondered. “If she’s almost done, then she should come out here, not me go back there.” In those few minutes, my mind immediately thought about worst case scenarios – what if they found something was wrong? What if they couldn’t find one of the babies’ heartbeats? What if they couldn’t find either of the babies’ heartbeats? As they lead me back, I figured that Lisa’s expression (and possible tears on her face) would tell me how serious the situation was.
Thankfully, she only looked concerned. “Baby A isn’t moving as much as they’d like… they’re going to do a biophysical profile (the same test that we do on Thursdays), and if A doesn’t have a perfect score, they’re sending us to Chicago.” Immediately I thought about how hard it would be for my sister Laura if we delivered the twins in the time between when her baby passed away and when he or she is delivered.
Thankfully (again), both our twins scored perfectly on the BPP, so we could head home. [Sigh of relief]
Today was another good day. Everything looked good – twin B’s MCA scores were lower than expected, but Dr. Ismail attributed that to the angle at which they were taken; no need for concern. And [drum roll]… they’ve grown! A put on 8 ounces and B put on 9 ounces in the last two weeks! Twin A is up to 2 lbs, 7 oz, and B is up to 3 lbs, 12 oz! Lisa is 31 weeks and 4 days along today – Sunday will mark 32 weeks. Our next big goal is to get to 34 weeks… then she may have the opportunity to avoid a c-section.
Tim & Laura continue to meet with doctors; they haven’t had a procedure to remove the baby yet. We ask that you keep them in your prayers in the days and weeks ahead.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. As we’re very near the turning of another calendar month, we rejoice at how much God has taken care of us and brought us to this point. Lisa and I were dreaming today about how cool it would be if – a month from now – we were celebrating making it to June! =) If we dream, we might as well dream big, right?
Thanks again!