Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another good day

We had another good day today.

We left the house about 7:30 this morning so that we could get to the University of Chicago by 9. Traffic wasn’t too bad, so we arrived there on time. The reason we arrived so early was so that Lisa could take her 3-hour glucose test. She didn’t pass (“flunked” =) as the doctor put it) the normal 1-hour test, so this was her makeup exam. This meant that she had to stop eating anything last night at midnight. She had blood drawn and took the sugary drink around 9:15. She then found out that she couldn’t drink any water for the next three hours. As you may imagine, this made us a little concerned – water was what stopped contractions, after all. We also wondered how Lisa’s body would survive going without food for 15 hours… no small feat for someone eating for three! Thankfully, all went well and we didn’t have any scares this morning through it all. =) A big answer to prayer.

We also had a good ultrasound. The twins’ numbers all looked good – their fluid levels are still up where they should be and so are the MCA numbers. They measured the girls again and they’ve grown quite a bit – little A is up to 1 pound and 12 ounces, and B is up to 2 pounds and 4 ounces; together, they weigh four pounds. Fun fact: both the girls' femurs (upper leg bone, the biggest bone in our bodies) measured just under 5 cm – which is just under 2 inches! It’s incredible to think that even at such a small size they are considered viable, that is, they could survive if they were born tonight. Unbelievable.

Last Sunday morning, we sung one of my favorite (newer) songs – In Christ Alone, by Townend and Getty. These are the words of the last verse:

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me.
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.

Beautiful words, yet it struck me that it’s not quite accurate. “From life’s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny.” It sounds good, right? But God’s care and lovingkindness begin even before life’s first breath – we’ve seen it time and time again throughout the pregnancy and again today. It’s the truth that the psalmist proclaims in Psalm 139:13 – that God knit us (and knits these girls!) together in their mother’s womb. We rejoice over that fact – and the good news we received – today.

Thanks for joining us on the journey – we wish you all a blessed, meaningful celebration of Jesus’ victory over sin and death this Easter weekend.



Nana and Papa said...

Praise God for this wonderful news.
Psalm 139:13 is one of our favorite verses, too. Great observation.
We pray your family is richly blessed in this most blessed of times in our lives and in the life of the church.

Jeff & Jane Klein-Bondy said...

Wow - that's amazing! And it looks like the girls aren't that far off of another another in weight. Small difference between the two. Our one twin caught up quite quickly after surgery.... which was such a blessing! God does wonderful things - he gave use 2 miracles and we are praying everything continues to go well for you both and your pregnancy. Your in our thoughts and prayers....
Jane and Jeff Bondy - Grimsby, ON