Thursday, May 6, 2010

Still looking good

An update about my sister before we let you know how today’s appointment went (although the title gives it away!) – on Monday, Laura was induced at Northshore Hospital in Evanston, IL.  Thankfully, this time it went much more smoothly – we think that because of the doctor’s willingness to give more medication, the induction went as it should.  Laura gave birth to Virginia Rae at 9:13 p.m., and she weighed 8 ounces and measured 6 inches.  I had the chance to see Tim and Laura that night and saw how relieved they were to hold their little baby in their arms.  I was able to hold her, too, and so were my mom and grandparents.  We rejoice at the answer to prayer that they would be able to hold her and continue in their grieving process.  Tomorrow we’ll have a private burial service with the family, then there will be a visitation from 5-7, with a short memorial service to follow.  I’ll be there on behalf of my immediate family – under doctor’s orders, Lisa is staying home on bed rest.

As far as an update for Lisa, things are “still looking good.”  Between the NST and BPP, each twin scored a 10 out of 10!  That simply means that they’re both still doing well.  We didn’t get growth measurements today – we have to wait until next week for that.  When we met with Dr. Ismail we asked about a birth plan.  We learned a few things:

·      If Lisa were to go into labor tonight, we would go to the University of Chicago.  The doctors would do everything they could to stop labor.  It’s still a little too early to deliver these girls.
·      If Lisa were to go into labor after 34 weeks (a week from Sunday, May 16), we would travel up to Chicago.  The doctors would assist in the delivery.  (Dr. Ismail said they would “leave us alone,” but when I pressed him on that, he said that he meant that they wouldn’t stop the labor.)  =)
·      We tried to confirm that 36 weeks and 6 days was still our goal.  He told us that he had just attended a conference about TTTS and was told that the optimal time to deliver is between 34 and 35 weeks.  We were really surprised at this, especially since that’s only 10-17 days from now.  He said that after that point the babies are just “putting on fat.”  Although that may be the case, we’d rather have 5 or 6 pound babies than 3 or 4 pound babies… so we asked if we’d still be able to aim for 36 weeks and 6 days.  “If you want to go beyond 34 or 35, you will have to be under my eyes,” Dr. Ismail told us.  That means being monitored in the hospital.  We’re mulling that over, and we’re planning on having “a big talk” with Dr. Ismail two weeks from today.  Please pray for wisdom for us as we juggle multiple factors: medical advice, patient options, how our nearly-2-year-old and nearly-4-year-old would handle being away from mom, how delivering early would affect already small babies, and how to (ideally) avoid a c-section.

Overall, we’re really thankful.  Thankful that Tim and Laura could hold their baby and mourn.  Thankful that our girls continue to do well.  Thankful – with the rest of the medical staff – that we can say, “It’s been another week… 32 weeks and 4 days now, wow!”  Thankful that you’re there alongside us.  Thanks.



Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you and your sister's family as you mourn over the loss of their daughter. I'm praising God with you that Lisa is so close to carrying your girls to 34 weeks along and all is well! I'll also be praying for wisdom as you talk with the Dr. in two weeks and that he will be open to whatever you decide is best for your family. Thank you for the updates.
~Karen C.

Nana and Papa said...

Dear Jeff and Lisa,
These updates are so informative. Thank you for sharing. We, too, are thankful your family could hold little Virginia Rae. Some good friends of ours experienced this same situation last fall. We can understand a little better what Tim and Laura are going through. We attended the memorial service, and it was one of the most beautiful, meaningful experiences we've had. We will continue to pray for the family as they heal by the grace of our loving God.
We are also so thankful that your babies are doing so well! We will continue to pray for wisdom in the decision about WHEN. You have articulated it so clearly that it gives us our specific prayer direction. Thank you again for sharing your incredible journey.
Love, Phil and Nancy

Jane Klein-Bondy said...

First let me say I am so sorry to hear about your sisters little one. I will pray for your family as you all go through this.

Great news for the both of you with the girls. Again, I know I've said it before but ours were born at 34 weeks 6 days and were 4'5 and 4'14. And they were fine and are fine! So way to go for you both! God is good. And don't forget once the twins are born the TTTS is over.... cause they aren't sharing a placenta anymore.
Are they in the same sac ???

We are here in Canada praying for you constantly, knowing what trying times you are both going through and the waiting is probably killing you. I found it really hard because I couldn't do anything physically to help them when they were in utero and prayed because I just wanted to hold them. But God kept them safe. So glad to hear your good news... praying for your kids as well. So don't fret the twins if born now have like a 90% survival rate - which is awesome and a lot better than delivering at 26 weeks.

We can certainly sympathize with you both in your frustrations and I used to find it frustrating that they could only measure them every other time.... i wanted to know right then and there how much they weighed! But what a joy to see your babies on the screen, and a relief.... So just take comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Cooking with Love in the Country said...

Congratulations, Jeff & Lisa! We are happy that the girls have arrived safely and that things seems to be going well. It was almost 5 years ago that you came to our house and visited us after the birth of our baby boy, Zechariah. (Do you remember that?)At that time you were very excited to start a family of your own. Now look, you have a beautiful family and God has richly blessed you! We will continue to pray for you through this journey in life.

Jeff & Vicki Van Donselaar & family