First, an apology: I am very sorry for neglecting my responsibility to update everyone who has faithfully prayed for us throughout this journey. You – both near and far, both close friends and folks we haven’t met – are vital components to the health and well-being of our girls. Your prayers have been effective, but I have not with regard to keeping you updated. My sincere apologies.
Second, an excuse: for years I’ve said how busy our family has been, but it truly doesn’t compare to the pace of life right now. On a typical day, I get up and help with breakfast for the “big” kids, go to work until noon, come home, eat lunch, clean up lunch while Lisa feeds the twins, put the big kids down for nap, go back to work until 5:30, come home for supper, clean up dinner/do dishes, go outside (sometimes) with Lisa and the kids, bathe the big kids, give them snacks, put them to bed, feed the twins with Lisa, soothe Bella between the 8:30 and 11:30 p.m. feeding (that’s her most awake/irritable time), feed the twins one after the other, and get to bed between 12:30 and 1 a.m. Repeat. =) Oh, and sometimes church meetings get mixed into the evenings. So it hasn’t been a lack of desire to keep you informed, it has been a lack of time. Nevertheless, I’m sorry and will do better in the future.
Third, an update: (this feels like a sermon with three points!) the girls are doing really well. Gloriana’s weight gains have been up and down at times – from losing 6 ounces over 6 days to gaining 2 ounces per day. Our doctors and nurses see this as normal – as long as she’s gaining over sustained periods of time, then everything is fine. And she has been. She’s up to 6 pounds even, as of yesterday morning. Just like the last update, I can honestly say that she’s looking more and more healthy. She still has occasional Brady’s – it seems like when she gets into a really deep sleep her body forgets to breathe… it makes us thankful that we have the monitor because it usually startles her enough to get her breathing back on track. Belladia continues to do extremely well. She weighed in at 8 pounds and 14 ounces yesterday. She doesn’t seem to have any major health concerns, so we’re very thankful for that.
Our next big doctor appointments come at the end of the month – on August 29, we’ll be seeing the cardiologist at the University of Chicago again. That could be the time when we figure out what – if anything – to do about Gloriana and Belladia’s VSDs (holes in their hearts). We’re already praying for clarity and discernment as that date approaches.
It’s a celebratory week here at our home… Daylia turned 2 on Thursday, our marriage turns 6 today (Saturday), I get to baptize the twins tomorrow morning (one of the things we prayed about
here), we’re having 60 (!) of our closest friends/relatives to our home for lunch to celebrate tomorrow, and Kruesie turns 4 on Wednesday.
Did I mentioned our lives are busy? =)
We truly thank you for your prayers. If you happen to be around DeMotte tomorrow morning, the worship service at First CRC starts at 9:30 central time. We’d love to have you celebrate God’s faithfulness with us. If not, continue to rejoice with us wherever you are. God is good, all the time.
PS – Enjoy these (long overdue) pictures, too! =)
This was the night we took Gloriana home!
Gloriana on the left, Belladia on the right.
A very happy and thankful Daddy
Bella on the left, Gloriana on the right |
Daylia is showing her personality in this picture! |
Yes, they do cry on occasion... and sometimes at the same time! |
Here's our whole family - we are so blessed! |