We made it!
We're in Cincinnati (which is still difficult for me to spell!), and it seems like the wireless internet works at the hotel. =)
I promised some lists, so here we go...
Things to be thankful for:
- We arrived safely with dry roads and NO traffic. What a relief!
- Our two kiddos are safely at my (Jeff's) parents' house, and it sounds like they had a great first day there.
- We received a really thoughtful care package from my sister Laura - she went through a lot of work putting together movies, songs, verses, and treats to help make the week more enjoyable. No wonder she always refers to herself as my favorite sister! =)
- We felt really loved this morning at church; countless (I mean, if we tried, we really couldn't count how many) people told us that they were praying, wished us a safe journey, and encouraged us with hugs and kind words. Incredible.
- Books! I stole some recommendations from Facebook friends for good books, reserved them at the library, and will eagerly plow through them as the testing and waiting begins tomorrow.
Things to pray for:
- Health for both of our little girls. We keep having this recurring thought: "What if something has happened since Thursday?" Thankfully, the ultrasound tomorrow is one of the first things on the itinerary, so that should calm our fears. Although, I guess the kicks that Lisa feels does that, too.
- Emotional stability. Lisa laughed when I asked if that was a good way to put it. =)
- Good results. Three things are scheduled for tomorrow - family history interview (7:30 am), ultrasound (9 am), and MRI (11 am). If you think to pray during those time, we'd be greatly encouraged. We hope each one will show that the girls are as healthy as can be and that they indicate all green lights for the procedure (to be determined, this week).
Thanks again for all your encouragement! I really can't tell you how uplifting it's been to have your support. God is good, all the time.