Friday, February 26, 2010

Today's (Fri, Feb 26) news

One of our prayer requests has been answered.

We just got a phone call from the University of Cincinnati this morning that they are ready for us to go there. They would like for the tests and background work to begin this Monday (Mar 1) morning, with the procedure likely to follow on Tuesday. The plan is to leave for Cincinnati sometime Sunday afternoon.

Things to be thankful for:

  1. Wow, what an answer in terms of getting in quickly! It puts our minds at ease to know that there's less time for anything to go wrong with either of our girls.
  2. Support. We feel so loved and cared for - your kind words, prayers, and phone calls have been tremendous. Every one counts.
  3. Modern medicine. We've heard time and time again, "Twenty years ago, this wouldn't be possible."
  4. Good insurance. As far as we can tell, our insurance will cover this process; if not, I don't think we would be able to go out to Cincinnati. We're thankful that much of the expense will fall under the insurance's umbrella.

Things to pray for:
  1. Continued good health for our girls.
  2. Fast prep. The other side of the coin with leaving so quickly is trying to get everything taken care of. It sounds like our kids will be in good hands as they will likely have each set of their grandparents taking care of them throughout the week. There's other loose ends we're working on, too.
  3. Safe travel. Pastor Laryn just shared Psalm 121 - the traveler's psalm - with us yesterday, and we were encouraged by all those rich promises. Clear weather would be ideal as we make the journey...
  4. Comfort. Lisa and I can't imagine life without our kids, and we'll have to experience it for 5-7 days. That's going to be hard.
  5. Great results. There seem to be a lot of good factors - Lisa's age, no previous abdominal surgeries, no previous miscarriages, no family history for chromosomal abnormalities - so we're hoping for a good outcome. Yet we know that this isn't a guaranteed successful surgery. As always, we're putting it in God's hands and trusting Him.
We'll be updating as the process goes along... thanks again for praying for us.


Amy said...

Jeff and Lisa,

I'll be praying and lifting you up before the throne! Thank you for posting such specific prayer requests. We'll be able to see God working in even clearer ways. Praying for God's continued peace to rest upon you as you wait on and trust in Him!

Blessings to you and your family,
Amy Dykhouse

Kim D. said...

Thanks for the update and for creating this blog. We are praying!

Scott DeVries said...

We'll add our prayers to the mix. May God answer every request with a resounding "yes!".