Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good Kidney News

A few good things to share with you:
  1. Weight gain continues.  Both girls have put on (at least) a few ounces more than their original birth weight.  This is especially good news considering that babies typically lose about 10% of their birth weight in the first week or so.  Gloriana is up to 3 lbs 2 oz; Belladia is up to 4 lbs 13 oz.
  2. Clothing has been on Bella since Tuesday!  Since she’s been consistently off the Bili blanket, she’s been allowed to wear clothes.  I have to tell you, it makes her even more adorable than she was!  Gloriana still has the Bili blanket to deal with jaundice, so she’s still sporting only a diaper. =)
  3. Bella’s enlarged kidney does not have any blockage around it!  Fantastic news!  We found out the results of the kidney scan today, and the doctor said that it will most likely resolve itself.  (He also mentioned that – years ago – all the ultrasounds wouldn’t have been done, the enlarged kidney wouldn’t have been seen, and it would have gone back to normal size on its own.)  We are very relieved that there won’t be any procedure needed to fix her kidney.

Overall, things still continue to go really well.  On Tuesday I was sitting in the NICU and heard an alarm go off a few beds away from our girls.  It was a much louder, urgent sounding alarm than the typical ones, and about 10-12 nurses/doctors rushed to the baby, suiting up in gowns and masks as they came over.  The mom was visibly upset as she walked away from the area.  I offered – and she accepted – a hug.  I asked what had happened and she said that her baby hadn’t been doing very well.  After the doctor made his rounds, he met individually with the mom in the conference room.  The next day (yesterday morning) that baby’s bed was empty.  It reminded us that there aren’t any guarantees of wellness just because a baby has made it to the NICU… and it also reminded us how much God has blessed us in the first ten days of these girls’ lives. 

We – as always – appreciate your prayers.  Our whole family continues to feel SO sustained by God through this whole season.  God is good, all the time.
